Pool Campus Drive by Planet Research & Development Center Private Limited for “Trainee Software Engineer” for B.E/B.Tech/MCA Graduates 2013 Pass outs, 30th January 2013-Haryana

Job Role: Trainee Software Engineer Job Location: Haryana Qualification: B.E/B.Tech/MCA Graduates 2013 Pass outs Experience: Fresher Pac...

Job Role: Trainee Software Engineer

Job Location: Haryana

Qualification: B.E/B.Tech/MCA Graduates 2013 Pass outs

Experience: Fresher

Package: INR 1,80,000

Functional Area: IT Software

Required Skills:
  1. Depth knowledge and understanding of the consulting industry as well as the companys product
  2. Excellent communication skills
  3. Should develop software, architecture, specifications and technical interfaces
  4. Develop user interfaces and client displays
  5. Design initiate and handle technical designs and complex application features

Company Name: Planet Research & Development Center Private Limited

Off Campus Date: 30th January 2013

Off Campus Time: 09.00 AM

Off Campus Venue:
  1. Asia Pacific Institute Of Information Technology
  2. Faridpur Road, G T Karnal Road Side,
  3. Near Toll Plaza, Panipat-132103, Haryana

Interview Process:
  1. Written Test
  2. Technical Test
  3. HR Interview

Required Documents:
  1. Students are informed to carry all the mandatory documents like one hard copy of resume 3-4 Passport size photographs (recent), College ID Card and website generated registration admit card.
  2. All the students should appear for interview in formal dress.
  3. All the students are required to carry their all qualification documents 10th Class and onwards. (Original copy and 1 photocopy of each)
To Apply:Click Here


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