Oriental Bank Of Commerce Invites Application for the post of “Officer - 77” for Any Graduates, January 2013-Across India

No. Of Vacancies: 77 Job Role: HRD Officer -13 Hindi Officer (Rajyasabha Adhikari) -12 Manager -29 Chief Manager (Secretary) -01 Chief Mana...

No. Of Vacancies: 77

Job Role:
  1. HRD Officer -13
  2. Hindi Officer (Rajyasabha Adhikari) -12
  3. Manager -29
  4. Chief Manager (Secretary) -01
  5. Chief Manager (Risk Management) -04
  6. Manager (Architect) -01
  7. Manager (Civil Engineer) -01
  8. Manager (Electrical Engineer) -01
  9. Security Officer -15

Job Location: Across India

Qualification: Any Graduate

Experience: Fresher

Pay scale:
  1. HRD Officer/Hindi Officer/Security Officer - 14,500 - 25,700
  2. Manager (Law)/ Manager (Architect)/ Manager (Civil Engineer)/ Manager (Electrical Engineer) -19,400 - 28,100
  3. Chief Manager (Company Secretary)/Chief Manager (Risk Management) -30600-36200

Application Fee:
  1. For SC/ST: INR 20
  2. Others: INR 100

Bank Name: Oriental Bank Of Commerce

About Oriental Bank Of Commerce:

          Oriental Bank of Commerce made a beginning under its Founding Father, Late Rai Bahadur Lala Sohan Lal, the first Chairman of the Bank. Within four years of coming into existence, the Bank had to face partition. Branches in the newly formed Pakistan had to be closed down and the Registered Office had to be shifted from Lahore to Amritsar. Late lala Karam Chand Thapar, the then Chairman of the Bank, in a unique gesture honoured the commitments made to the depositors from Pakistan and paid every rupee to its departing customers.

Date of Notification: 30th January 2013

Opening Date For Online Registration: 30th January 2013

Last Date For Online Registration: 16th February 2013

Bank Website: www.obcindia.co.in

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GOVT JOBS 7380860660228283762

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