ICSI Recruitment 2014 for the post of “Director” for Any Graduates, February 2014

No. of Vacancies: 06

Job Role:
  1. Director (Finance & Accounts)
  2. Director (IT)
  3. Director
  4. Joint Director
  5. Program Director
Job Location: Navi Mumbai

Qualification: Any Graduates

Experience: 12-15 years

Pay scale: INR 37,400-1, 00,000 PM

Age Limit: 45 years

About The Indian Institute of Company Secretaries of India:

           The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is constituted under an Act of Parliament i.e. the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (Act No. 56 of 1980). ICSI is the only recognized professional body in India to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India awards the certificate of bestowing the designation of Company Secretary (CS) to a candidate qualifying for the membership of the Institute. It was in 1960 that the Company Law Board started a course in Company Secretary ship leading to the award of Government Diploma in Company Secretary ship.

Job Posted Date: 24th February 2014

Last Date for Online Application Form: 28th February 2014

How to Apply:
  1. The eligible candidates can apply only online for our website
  2. Candidates should have a valid e-mail address and are advised to check their mail regularly for any information regarding test /interview.
  3. All candidates are requested to take a printout of their online forms and keep it with them for future reference. However, they are requested not to send the hard copy of their online application Form, Resume, Certificates to the Institute. 
  4. The original documents would be required for verification only at the time of Interview

Company Website: www.icsi.edu

For More Details: Click Here


Mumbai 8447068506651437138

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