Novel Group Hiring “Project Engineer” For UG Graduates, September 2013, Bangalore

Job Role: Project Engineer Job Location: Bangalore Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree Experience: (0 - 2) years Package: INR 1,50,000 PA I...

Job Role: Project Engineer

Job Location: Bangalore

Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree

Experience: (0 - 2) years

Package: INR 1,50,000 PA

Industry Type: IT

Required Skills:
  1. The candidate should be bachelor’s degree from any recognized university
  2. Job may be Site Supervision and Manage Sub Contractors
  3. Known about Project Measurement/Billing Activities
  4. Ability to speak Hindi & must have a two wheeler
  5. Willingness to travel and work in the night shifts
Company Name: Novel Group

About Novel Group:

          Established in Dallas, TX, Novel Group (Incorporated as McDowell Tucker & Co. Inc.) was founded by Mali Subbiah (President) in the year 1993. He formed a company to provide IT Consulting and Staffing Services to various clients across the US. Being at the right place at the right time, Mali Subbiah made the best of the booming IT market then. He was very successful in his venture and earned an award for his company from Southern Methodist University in Dallas as one of the fastest growing companies in Dallas. There were also articles on him in Dallas Business Journal and SF Weekly (San Francisco’s leading Publication) on his growth and success from his business.

Job Posted Date: 09thSeptember 2013

Website name:

To Apply: Click Here


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