Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Limited Recruitment 2014 for the post of “Assistant Lineman” for ITI/ITC Candidates, March 2014, Karnataka

No of Vacancies: 187

Job Role: Assistant Lineman

Job Location: Karnataka

Qualification: ITI/ITC- Electrician/Electronics/Electronic Mechanic/Lineman Trade

Package: INR 7,950-16,970 PM

Age Limit: 35 Years (Age Relaxation Available)

Experience: Fresher and Experienced

Industry Type: Government

Application Fee:
  1. For SC/ST INR 200
  2. Others INR 400
Selection Process:
  1. Based on Qualifying Mark
  2. Endurance Test will be conducted in the following events
  3. 100 meters running: 14 seconds
  4. Skipping: 50 times in one minute
  5. Shot put 12 pounds: 8 meters throw (3opportunities)
  6. Climbing of Electric Pole: 8 meters height (compulsory)
  7. 800 meters running: 3 minutes
Company Name: Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Limited

About Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Limited:

           The erstwhile Mysore State had the enviable and glorious position of establishing the first major hydroelectric generating station for commercial operations at Shivasamudra as early as 1902. The art at that time was still in its infancy, even in the advanced countries. The longest transmission line, at the highest voltage in the world, was constructed to meet the power needs of mining operations at kolar Gold Fields. Also in the year Sept, 1908 the world famous Mysore Palace was illuminated. It is one of the most magnificent buildings and is a sight not to be missed when it is illuminated on Sundays and festive occasions. In the year 1909, the power supply was arranged for 600 Street Lights and there were 617 consumers.

Job Posted Date: 23rd March 2014

Last Date for Online Application Form: 15th April 2014

Last Date for Payment Application Fee: 15th April 2014

How to Apply:
  1. Applications should be submitted only through “online” mode by logging on to Application will not be accepted by any other mode.  
  2. After submitting the application online the candidates should obtain the printouts of acknowledgement and challan and application fee pay at any of the branches of State Bank of Mysore
Company Website:

For More Details: Click Here


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