CanFin Homes Ltd Recruitment 2014 “Junior Officers” for Any Graduates, February 2014, Across India

No. of Vacancies: 40

Job Role: Junior Officer

Job Location: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and NCR

Qualification: Any Graduates

Age Limit: 21 – 30 as on 01st February 2014

Experience: Fresher & Experienced

Pay scale: INR 15,200 PM

Application Fee: For All Categories: INR 100

Job Description:
  1. The candidate should be any graduate from any recognized university
  2. The candidate must be able to speak, read & write in the local language (apart from English) of the region
  3. The selected candidate will doing recovery visits, post sanction field visits for disbursement and Marketing of Housing Loans
  4. Candidate will be making phone calls to customer for business/recoveries,
  5. Work will be as on scanning of documents, data entry operations in the computer, attending to the customers, documentation
  6. Knowledge of driving two-wheeler is desirable
Selection Process:
  1. Personal Interview - based upon candidates performance in interview, in their academic career, qualification his/her ability to speak, read or write local language, nearness of his/her domicile to branch, experience in the previous assignment
Company Name: Can Fin Homes Limited

About Can Fin Homes Limited:

           CFHL was promoted in 1987, the "International Year for Shelter for the Homeless" by Canara Bank in association with reputed financial institutions including HDFC and UTI. Now NHB is also an important equity holder in CFHL. CFHL was set up with the mission of promoting HOME OWNERSHIP and increasing HOUSING STOCK all over the country. The vision of Canara Bank on the relevance of having an exclusive outfit for providing housing finance at a time when institutional finance was not flowing to the housing sector to the required extent and banks had constraints in locking up funds in long term housing finance saw the birth of CFHL.

Job Posted Date: 14th February 2014

Last Date of Submission of Application Form: 03rd March 2014

Last Date of Available of Application form on Web: 28th February 2014

How To Apply:
  1. The eligible candidates are required to fill the application form along with a DD (Payable at any bank and favoring of CanFin Homes Ltd).
  2. The Eligible candidates should submit the application in the given format and reach to following address before 03rd March 2014

The Asst. General Manager – HRM,
CanFin Homes Ltd.,
Registered Office: No.29/1, Ist floor,
Sir. M N Krishna Rao Road, Basavangudi,
Bangalore – 560 004, Karnataka

Company Website:

To Download Application Format: Click Here

For More Details: Click Here


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