Apostek Software Hiring “Developer” For BTech/MTech Graduates, June 2013, Bangalore

Job Role: Developer Job Location: Bangalore Qualification: BTech/MTech Graduates Experience: Fresher Package: INR 4,50,000 Industry Type...

Job Role: Developer

Job Location: Bangalore

Qualification: BTech/MTech Graduates

Experience: Fresher

Package: INR 4,50,000

Industry Type: IT Software

Job Description:
  1. The candidate should be a BTech/MTech graduate from any recognized university
  2. Relational Databases- deeper understanding of how DBs work and concepts like star schema, data cubes, normalized tables
  3. Handling of large scale data using distributed databases like Hadoop and map-reduce programs.
  4. Basic knowledge in SQL
  5. BTech/MTech (CS/IT/IS) from 2013 batch
  6. Good pH score
  7. Good academic record

Company Name: Apostek Software Private Limited

About Apostek Software Private Limited:

          Apostek offers high end software consulting to startups by defining their outsourcing strategy for product development and setting up an energetic software development team at Bangalore. We have worked in various areas like Mobile Web, Mobile Advertisement, Mobile Applications, Java based Web Application Development, Data Analytics and Large Scale Data Processing, Virtualization and Network Monitoring.

Job Posted Date: 01st June 2013

Last Date To Apply: 19th June 2013

Interview Date: 25th June 2013

Job ID: 31599

Company Website: www.apostek.com

To Apply:Click Here


SOFTWARE JOBS 7637190312245410153

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