Tetcos hiring freshers “Software Engineer” B.E/B.Tech - Computers - Bangalore
Job Role: Software Engineer Job Location: Bangalore Qualification: B.E/B.Tech – Computers Experience: (0 - 3) Years Package: As per the...
- Excellent knowledge in C/C++/Java
- Good written and verbal communication skills
- 80% Aggregate
- Tetcos focuses on software and hardware products in the communication and networking domain for Academic, Technical training and Research segments.
- The products conform to the standards prescribed by technology groups such as IEEE, IETF, ITU and others. Hundreds of educational institutions are actively using our products for class room teaching, lab experimentation, real time measurements and project work.
- NetSim has been developed with technical consultancy from the foremost R & D institution in India, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. The scientific correctness and numerical results are reviewed by Prof. Anurag Kumar and others of Electrical Communication Engineering and Computer Science Departments from the earliest version starting in 2004.