Infineon hiring freshers “Management Trainee” MBA Graduates - Bangalore

Job Role: Management Trainee Job Location: Bangalore Qualification: MBA (Marketing & Finance) Experience: (0 - 1) Years Package: As...

Job Role: Management Trainee

Job Location: Bangalore

Qualification: MBA (Marketing & Finance)

Experience: (0 - 1) Years

Package: As per the industry standards

Required skills:
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Setting priorities and building relationships
  • High customer orientation & Avid learner.

Company Name: Infineon

About Infineon:
  • Infineon Technologies focuses on the three central challenges facing modern society: Energy Efficiency, Mobility and Security and offers semiconductors and system solutions for automotive and industrial electronics and chip card and security applications.
  • Infineon’s products stand out for their reliability, their quality excellence and their innovative and leading-edge technology in analog and mixed signal, RF and power as well as embedded control.
  • With a global presence, Infineon operates through its subsidiaries in the USA from Milpitas, California, in the Asia-Pacific region from Singapore, and in Japan from Tokyo. In the 2011 fiscal year (ending September 2011), the company reported sales of 3.997* billion Euro.

Company Website:

To Apply: Click Here


MBA 4181177899773513305

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