Job Role:
- Technical Officer
- Lab Technician
Job Location: Pune
Qualification: Any Graduate
- Technical Officer INR 25,000 PM
- Lab Technician INR 13,000 PM
Age Limit:
- For Lap Technician 28 Years
- For Technical Officer 30 Years
Application Fee:
- For SC/ST: 100
- Others: INR 100
Experience: 2
Note: These posts are purely temporary and
are to be filled on year to year basis for the duration of mentioned project
Company Name: National Aids
Research Institute
About National Aids Research Institute:
National AIDS Research
Institute [NARI] was established in October 1992 in Bhosari, Pune on a seven
acre plot. The Institute has progressively expanded its activities in various
aspects of research on HIV and AIDS through infra-structural development,
capacity building & research programmers. The present infrastructure
includes the Institute housed in a 28024 sq. mtr space, residential
accommodation for the staff, a power plant to ensure uninterrupted power supply
and an incinerator for safe disposal of bio-waste.
Job Posted Date: 24th March 2014
Last Date for Receipt of Application Form: 04th April 2014
How to Apply:
- Application
(available on Institute’s website) should be submitted in the prescribed format with full bio data
and attested Xerox copies of proof of age, educational qualifications, work experience,
degree certificates & original certificates etc. along with a cross Demand
Draft for INR 100 Favor of Director, National AIDS Research Institute, Pune.
- Age and experience
is relax able in deserving cases. Candidate will not be entertained after the
reporting time. The application should reach this office on or before 04th
April 2014 duly super scribed as “Application for the post of ‘Technical
Officer’ or ‘Lab Technician’ under various projects. Provision of email address
and contact number is mandatory
AIDS Research Institute,