DSSSC Recruitment 2014 “Group-B/Group-C” for Any Graduates, 27th February 2014

No. of Vacancy: 3188

Job Role: Related Jobs in Group-B/Group-C

Job Location: Delhi

Qualification: Any Graduates

Experience: (0 - 5) years

Package: As per the Industry Standards

Industry Type: Government

Application Fee:
  1. For SC/ST: NULL
  2. Others: INR 100
Selection Process:
  1. Physical Endurance Test
  2. One Tier, Two Tier and Three Tier examination
  3. Part-I (MCQ/Objective type)
  4. Part-II (Descriptive)
About Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board:

           Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, introduced during British rule of India, criminalizes "carnal intercourse against the order of nature". This phrase was interpreted to mean all forms of sexual activity other than heterosexual penile-vaginal intercourse. The movement to repeal Section 377 was led by the Naz Foundation (India) Trust, a non-governmental organization, which filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court in 2001, seeking legalization of homosexual intercourse between consenting adults. In 2003, the Delhi High Court refused to consider a petition regarding the legality of the law, saying that the petitioners had no locus stand in the matter.

Job Posted Date: 19th February 2014

Last Date of Submission of Application Form: 27th February 2014

Last Date of Submission of Application Fee: 28th February 2014

How to Apply:
  1. The candidates are required to apply online through the website dsssbonline.nic.in and required to complete the Online Application Form, the instructions of which are available at the above mentioned site. The time cap to fill complete online application will be 30 minutes.
  2. Applicants should avoid submitting multiple applications for one post.
  3. The applicants must ensure that while filling their application forms, they are providing their valid and active E-mail IDs as the DSSSB may use electronic mode of communication while contacting with them at different stages of examination process.
  4. The candidates submitting their application online should pay the requisite fees only through challan to be deposited in State Bank of India. Challan will be generated online. Other mode of payment will not be accepted
Website: www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in

For More Details: Click Here


GOVT JOBS 2066145278375024688

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