Genpact Off-Campus Drive “Technical Support Engineer” For BA/ + MBA (Finance)/BCA/B.Tech (IT/CS/ECE/EEE) Graduates, 26th March 2014

Job Role:
  1. Technical Support Engineer - BCA, B.Sc (IT) and B.Tech (IT, CS, ECE, EEE)
  2. Back End Support - BA,, B.Sc
  3. Voice Process (Customer Service & Collection)-Any Gradudate
  4. Finance & Accounting - B.Com, B.Com + MBA (Finance)
Job Location: Delhi NCR (Gurgaon, Noida,Delhi) and Jaipur

Qualification: BA/ + MBA (Finance)/BCA/B.Tech (IT , CS, ECE, EEE) Graduates

Experience: Fresher

Year Of Passing: 2012/2013/2014

Package: INR 10,000 – 23,000 PM

Industry Type: ITES

Job Description:
  1. The candidate should be BA/ + MBA (Finance)/BCA/B.Tech (IT , CS, ECE, EEE) Graduates from any recognized university
  2. Should have excellent communication skills
  3. Should be willing to work in rotational shifts
  4. Resolve the customer enquiry as per the requirements
Selection Process:
  1. HR
  2. Written test
  3. Telephonic with V&A trainer or line manager
Company Name: Genpact

About Genpact:

           Genpact is a global leader in transforming and running business processes and operations including those that are complex and industry-specific. Genpact stands for Generating Impact – visible in tighter cost management as well as better management of risk, regulations, and growth for hundreds of long-term clients including more than 100 of the Fortune Global 500 – and of those, over 10 of the top 25. Our approach is distinctive: through an unbiased, agile combination of smarter process science, targeted technology and advanced analytics, we help our clients become more competitive by making their enterprises more intelligent: adaptive, innovative, globally effective, and connected to their own clients.

Job Posted Date: 22nd March 2014

Last Date To Apply: 26th March 2014

Off-Campus Date: 29th March 2014

Off-Campus Venue:

Chandigarh Group of College
Jhanjheri, Mohali Chandigarh

Company Website:

For More Details: Click Here

To Register: Click Here


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