Aryans Groups “Job Fair” 10+ companies participating, Any Graduates, July 2013, Chandigarh

Job Role: Multiple Vacancies: 100 Job Location: Across India Qualification: BTech/MTech/MBA/MCA/BBA/BCom/BCA/POLY/ITI etc Experience: F...

Job Role: Multiple

Vacancies: 100

Job Location: Across India

Qualification: BTech/MTech/MBA/MCA/BBA/BCom/BCA/POLY/ITI etc

Experience: Fresher & Experienced

Package: As per the industry type

Industry Type: IT Software & Hardware

Participating Companies:
  1. Beta Soft
  2. EME
  3. Eureka Forbes
  4. IFBI
  5. Logic ERP Solutions
  6. LIC
  1. The candidate should be a any graduate from any recognized university
  2. This Recruitment drive is open for all those candidates who are meeting the company requirements.
  3. Only Online Registered candidates will be entertained
  4. Only Eligible candidates will be entertained.
  5. The candidates are supposed to reach Aryans campus at 8:30am
  6. The shortlisted candidates will be called by the respective companies themselves afterwards for further process.
  7. The final round of the shortlisted candidates will be done in the company premises only
Interview Date: 26th July 2013


Aryans Group of Colleges
Vill. Nepra, Chandigarh-Patiala Highway,
Near Chandigarh

Contact Number: 98787-44888

To Apply:Click Here


WALK IN 6162332250594513373

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