Datamatics Financial Services Limited Conducts Walk In Drive for “Web Research Analyst” for Any Graduates, 04th & 05th February 2013-Mumbai

Job Role: Web Research Analyst Job Location: Mumbai Qualification: Any Graduates Experience: (0 - 1) Years Package: As per the industry ...

Job Role: Web Research Analyst

Job Location: Mumbai

Qualification: Any Graduates

Experience: (0 - 1) Years

Package: As per the industry standards

Functional Area: ITES BPO

Required skills:
  1. Should utilizing various search engines to research data about the given entities
  2. Should capture researched information on Excel
  3. Should validate & update the information on a regular basis
  4. Good written and oral communication skills

Company Name: Datamatics Financial Services Limited

About Datamatics Financial Services Limited:

          A leading provider of Transformational and Outsourcing services; Datamatics Financial Services Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company that delivers operational efficiency to Global 2000 companies in multiple industries including Media, Publishing, Banking, Insurance, Financial Services, Retail and Telecom etc. We have been in the industry for over three decades and have consistently built up our expertise in improving the operating efficiencies of our clients.
Job Posted Date: 03rdFebruary 2013

Walk In Date: 04th & 05th February 2013

Walk In Time: 10.00 AM - 04.00 PM

Walk In Venue:

Datamatics Financial Services,
Part B, Cross lane, Behind MIDC Police Chowk,
Opposite SBI, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093.

Company Website:

To Apply:Click Here


Mumbai 253681202264402837

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