Canara Bank Invites Application for the post of “Specialist Officer - 633 Vacancies” for BE/BTech/BA/LLB/MCA/MBA/CA Graduates, February 2013-Across India

No. Of Vacancies: 633 Job Role: Junior Management Grade Scale I - 570 Middle Management Grade Scale I - 55 Specialist Officer in Middle Man...

No. Of Vacancies: 633

Job Role:
  1. Junior Management Grade Scale I - 570
  2. Middle Management Grade Scale I - 55
  3. Specialist Officer in Middle Management Grade Scale II - 6
  4. Specialist Officer in Middle Management Grade Scale III - 2

Job Location: Across India

Qualification: BE/BTech/BA/LLB/MCA/MBA/CA Graduates

Experience: Fresher & Experienced

Pay scale:
  1. JMGS I - INR 14,500 - 25,700
  2. MMGS II - INR 19,400 - 28,500
  3. MMGS III - 25,700 - 31,500
Application Fee:
  1. For SC/ST: INR 20
  2. Others: INR 100
Selection Process:
  1. CWE (Common Written Exam Score)
  2. Group Discussion
  3. Final Interview
Bank Name: Canara Bank

About Canara Bank:

          Canara Bank was founded by Shri Ammembal Subba Rao Pai, a great visionary and philanthropist, in July 1906, at Mangalore, then a small port town in Karnataka. The Bank has gone through the various phases of its growth trajectory over hundred years of its existence. Growth of Canara Bank was phenomenal, especially after nationalization in the year 1969, attaining the status of a national level player in terms of geographical reach and clientele segments. Eighties was characterized by business diversification for the Bank. In June 2006, the Bank completed a century of operation in the Indian banking industry. The eventful journey of the Bank has been characterized by several memorable milestones. Today, Canara Bank occupies a premier position in the comity of Indian banks.

Job Posted Date: 22nd Febuary 2013

Opening Date For Online Registration: 25th Febuary 2013

Last Date For Online Registration: 06th March 2013

Bank Website:

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