Cypress hiring “Application Engineer” for freshers B.E/B.Tech/M.E/.Tech Graduates, November 2012 - Bangalore

Job Role: Application Engineer Job Location: Bangalore Qualification: B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech Graduates Experience: (0 - 1) Package: As pe...

Job Role: Application Engineer

Job Location: Bangalore

Qualification: B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech Graduates

Experience: (0 - 1)

Package: As per the industry standards

Job Description:
  • Define and execute system level test methodologies and validation
  • System level failure analysis and debug, competitive analysis and performance benchmark
  • Technical training material development and delivery
  • Define, create and document the reference designs to demonstrate the capabilities of Cypress CapSense product line.

Required skills:
  • Excellent knowledge in C and Assembly language
  • Exposure in design and development of firmware coding
  • Sound knowledge on electronics fundamentals, analog, digital interfzce circuits and MCUs
  • Should have excellent communication skills

Company Name: Cypress

About Cypress:
          Cypress delivers high-performance, mixed-signal, programmable solutions that provide customers with rapid time-to-market and exceptional system value. Cypress offerings include the flagship PSoC 1, PSoC 3, and PSoC 5 programmable system-on-chip families and derivatives, CapSense touch sensing and TrueTouch solutions for touchscreens. Cypress is the world leader in USB controllers, including the high-performance West Bridge solution that enhances connectivity and performance in multimedia handsets, PCs and tablets. Cypress is also the world leader in SRAM memories. Cypress serves numerous markets including consumer, mobile handsets, computation, data communications, automotive, industrial and military. Cypress trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol CY.

Company Website:

To Apply: Click Here


SOFTWARE JOBS 509729261354547497

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