IBM hiring freshers “Application Consultant” Any Graduate - Bangalore

Job Role: Application Consultant Job Location: Bangalore Qualification: Any Graduate Experience: (0 - 2) Years Package: As per the indu...

Job Role: Application Consultant

Job Location: Bangalore

Qualification: Any Graduate

Experience: (0 - 2) Years

Package: As per the industry standards

Required Skills:
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Knowledge in high level programming language, DB preferred.

Company Name: IBM

About IBM:
  • In IBM's view, today's networked economy has created a global business landscape and a mandate for business change. Integrated global economies have opened markets of new opportunity and new sources of skills. The Internet has enabled communication and collaboration across the world and brought with it a new computing model premised on continuous global connection. In that landscape, companies can distribute work and technology anywhere in the world.
  • Given these opportunities, IBM is working with its clients to develop new business designs and technical architectures that allow their businesses the flexibility required to compete in this new landscape. The business is also adjusting its footprint toward emerging geographies, tapping their double-digit growth, providing the technology infrastructure they need, and taking advantage of the talent pools they provide to better service the company’s clients.

Company Website:

To Apply: Click Here 


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